PIC 0: The titlecard with the words “Staying True to You” is displayed. The screen fades to Kacey again, appearing in an abstract background.
KACEY: Before I started college, all I kept hearing was people saying, “Oh man, I remember college. I miss those wild times."
Let me tell you about my wild stories. Like how I rewrote a 90s song to be about ancient philosophers.
Yeah, that performance. It. Earned. Me An. A.
And how I coached a team of kids to win a soccer game. Sure we lost the other 11. But a win’s a win!
Notice a pattern? My favorite wild stories are the sober ones. And while I do drink, sometimes it can get in the way of the best parts of college, especially when I go too hard.
But occasionally on nights when I”m not paying attention, I struggle to stay in the “green zone” aka that .05 B.A.C.
So my roommate suggested I try goal setting. At first it felt kinda weird and honestly silly. But when I actually took the time to do it, it helped me keep my priorities straight.
I’m not going to lie, I’m a sucker for a good acronym, so I decided to set a SMART goal.
PIC 1: The acronym “S.M.A.R.T.” appears full screen. The following screens describe each letter of this acronym, along with an associated icon.
PIC 2: Screen returns to Kacey.
Here are some tips to follow when creating your SMART goals:
PIC 3: A full screen bulleted list titled “SMART Goal Tips” appears with the following:
PIC 4: Screen returns to Kacey.
So here is the SMART goal I set for myself:
PIC 5: Kacey explains her SMART goal in the following screens. On each screen, Kacey’s still image is shown on the left side:
PIC 6: Screen returns to Kacey.
So first things first, let's get Specific about your SMART goal.
PIC 7: A full screen question appears titled “SPECIFIC.” The first prompt reads: “Exactly how much are you looking to cut back?” with the following choices:
PIC 8: This question continues with the second prompt: “How often would you cut back that much?” and the following choices:
PIC 9: Screen returns to Kacey.