Now you want to think about how you are going to Measure, or track, your progress.
PIC 10: A full screen question appears titled “MEASURABLE.” The prompt reads: “How will you track your progress?” with the following choices:
PIC 11: Screen returns to Kacey.
Now the question is how is your plan going to be Action Oriented? We all know that achieving our goals isn’t just about focusing on what we’re changing, but what we’ll do in our life to change it.
PIC 12: A full screen question appears titled “ACTION ORIENTED.” The prompt reads: “What are you going to do to make sure you achieve your goal?” with the following choices:
PIC 13: Screen returns to Kacey.
I know that unless my goal is Realistic there’s no way I’m going to achieve it. And I need to set myself up to succeed.
PIC 14: A full screen question appears titled “REALISTIC.” The prompt reads: “What are you going to do to make sure you achieve your goal?” with the following choices:
PIC 15: Screen returns to Kacey.
No goal is complete unless we set a Timeline for ourselves. So take the time to think about a realistic timeframe.
PIC 16: A final full screen question appears titled “TIMELINE BASED.” The prompt reads: “When are you going to reevaluate whether it’s time to reset your goal or set a new goal?” with the following choices:
Great work setting your SMART goal. Let’s see what it looks like altogether.
PIC 17: The screen presents the answer choices that were selected. Then it returns to Kacey.
I'm not gonna lie, I absolutely have moments where I've set a limit, hit it and am tempted to keep drinking. But having a plan and a goal makes it a lot easier not to give in.
And the beauty of goal setting is being able to look back at your goals, see if they’re working, and make adjustments as needed.
Bottom line, the only way goal setting doesn’t work, is if you set it and forget it.
And SMART goals can be useful for whatever you’re trying to do in school, or work, or anything in life.
PIC 18: A full screen list titled “We went over a lot” appears, with the following:
PIC 19: Screen returns to Kacey.
Thanks for sticking with me through all my terrible jokes and trips down memory lane.
I’m glad we could work together to think about what’s important to you. Now go make some great memories of your own.