PIC 10: A series of full screen explanations appear, titled: “Campus Resources.” Each screen has a description to the right and an accompanying illustration to the left.
Check the resources section for information specific to your school.
PIC 11: Screen returns to Kacey.
I asked Eve if she was interested in going to a self care event that the Counseling Center was hosting.
She was, and it actually ended up being pretty cool.
We registered for a yoga class together, and even though I still can’t touch my toes, it’s been fun to focus on ourselves together.
It also doesn't hurt that it's 10:30 Sunday mornings.
We’re having a lot of fun, and don't want to miss it. So that means making more mindful decisions about drinking the night before.
While I was really worried that talking to her about all this might end our friendship, the opposite was true.
Don’t get me wrong, it was tough, I was nervous, I wasn’t sure what to say, it was awkward at times. But it was worth it.
The discussion obviously didn’t end there. It's not like this conversation was a magic fix all. But it was a solid start, and got Eve thinking.
And unexpected bonus, having brought up this topic once, I’m not so anxious about having difficult conversations anymore.
And you know what, Eve is her own person, if this went terribly, or she wasn’t ready to hear it, I would have still been glad I tried.
You're going to get a chance to practice having a conversation like this playing as Emma.
Kevin texted you the morning after the party to share that he’s concerned about how much Charlie’s been drinking lately.
Since you’ve known him longer, you both decided it would be better for you to reach out to him.
While you're talking to Charlie, make sure you let him know that you care, focusing on how you're feeling, and asking questions.
The goal here is to help Charlie just stop and think. And to give him the space to make his own decisions on what steps to take next. Good luck!
Scenario: Talk with Charlie about his drinking
You and Kevin are worried about Charlie’s drinking. You’re going to talk to Charlie about it because you’re closer with him.
Remember to let Charlie know you care, focus on your own feelings, and ask questions. Try to get Charlie to think about his recent decisions around alcohol and what he wants to do next.