PIC 0: The titlecard with the words “Recognizing a Pattern” is displayed. The screen fades to Kacey again, appearing in an abstract background.
KACEY: I want to look back at college and think, “Man that was fun!” And for me that means joining student government, you better bet class treasurer is going on my resume.
And okay sure my audition for the lead in the musical, yeah, but tech crew was fun!
Arts and student government not your thing? Well, some of my friends have gotten really into activism and club sports.
In the beginning of our friendship, Eve was always up for anything, that’s why we got along so well. But recently, it felt like all we did together was drink.
And while I just got buzzed, and had only a beer or two, she seemed like she was trying to live the motto “Probably Drunk” that she proudly displayed on her t shirt. She had fallen into this pattern of revolving her entire life around partying.
This was the first time I was worried about one of my friends and their drinking. Most of the people I know don’t really drink much, or at all.
There were some things about Eve that had me a little concerned. Like this bio class we had together. She decided to study for our midterm with a bottle of vodka and ended up with a C.
She never mixed studying and drinking again. But it still felt like her life revolved around partying.
There are a lot of reasons why you might want to have this conversation with a friend.
PIC 1: A full screen caption appears titled “Emotional Signs.” Next to the title are two emoticon icons (happy and sad). A prompt appears which reads: “There are many signs you might want to talk to someone about a pattern of behavior they’ve developed. Here’s some of them:”
PIC 2: The title updates to “Social/Academic Signs:” with the graphic of a student icon near a classroom desk with an X in front.
PIC 3: Finally, the title updates to “Physical Signs” with the graphic now being an exclamation mark inside a yellow warning triangle: