PIC 0: Kacey appears again in an abstract background.
KACEY: Emma successfully used the tactics of distracting and being direct to get Charlie to leave the party with her and Kevin. When they got him home they gave him food.
Which was a great way to distract him from drinking, but can feeding a drunk person really sober them up?
PIC 1: A series of full screen True and False Questions appear. The first one reads: “Eating after drinking will help sober someone up more quickly. True or False?” with an illustration of a pizza on a plate.
PIC 2: The next question reads: “Drinking coffee can help a person sober up. True or False?” with an illustration of a steaming mug of coffee.
PIC 3: The last question reads: “Nothing can sober a person up but time. True or False?” with an illustration of a grandfather clock.
PIC 4: Screen returns to Kacey.
You know how on TV you always see drunk people eating greasy food and chugging coffee to sober up? Lies. The only thing that can sober a person up is time.
So midnight tacos won’t sober someone up, but, convincing a friend to go for tacos is a great way to get them to stop drinking and go home. When have I ever been known to turn down tacos?!
And when you do get them home, just to be clear, do NOT leave a drunk person alone.
Really there are two options, stay with them in a safe place for a bit until you see them start to sober up, or you can always delegate.
If you're not sure what to do, it's totally okay to get help. Just remember, the drunk can’t herd the drunk. So delegate to a sober person.
Just because they’re okay when they leave the party doesn’t mean they’ll stay that way. You never know if they snuck in an extra shot or four before they walked out the door. It takes time for booze to kick in.
And they could’ve popped a pill or smoked a joint that you didn't know about.
And if the person is passed out or unconscious, or you don’t feel safe, definitely delegate to a person of authority.
Like if you're in a residence hall, go to an R.A. or an R.D. That's what they're there for. And if you're off campus, call 9 1 1, and let them know someone needs medical attention.
If they do lay down, make sure they don't lay on their back. Instead make sure they are laying on their side.
PIC 5: A full screen illustration of a college student laying down asleep appears. An arrow points to his mouth with the caption: “Keep airway open”
This can help keep their airway open. That way, if they vomit they won't be as likely to breathe it into their lungs.
PIC 6: Screen returns to Kacey.
Let’s recap, depending on the severity of the situation:
PIC 7: A full screen list appears titled “Let’s Recap:”
PIC 8: Screen returns to Kacey.
Bottom line, ask for backup if you need it. This can be challenging, and takes courage, compassion, and grit, but the effort is well worth it.