Bullying Prevention

Verbal and Online Bullying.

Miss Henderson: Verbal bullying is when the comments are written or spoken in a place where the other person can see or hear them. Online bullying can become much more aggressive than in-person bullying because it feels anonymous. Online bullying often is seen by the target, even if they weren't messaged or tagged directly. And, people can still get in trouble for participating in online bullying, even when it's anonymous. That's why a fourth D (in addition to the three D's we talked about earlier) is recommended when responding to online bullying: Document. Take a screenshot of the post and save it to document what's happening. If things get serious, you can share it with a trusted adult or report it for removal on the platform you're using. Every situation is different. Use your judgment and comfort to decide which response feels appropriate to you. It means a lot that you came to talk through this with me. I hope everything works out, and remember, you always can come back to chat again.   

Later that night, someone anonymously posts online about Jody hiding in the bathroom and crying with the caption, "Literally irrelevant such a loser, why do you even go here, leave so we don't have to see or smell you anymore." Jody's definitely commented on posts from this account before, so they've probably seen this already. 
