Bullying Prevention

Talk with Vic Target Path.

Picture 1: Vic sits across from the player at a table outside of a coffee shop. Vic has light tan skin and dark brown hair. He wears a bright blue t-shirt. Vic looks to the side, and seems unhappy. There is a meter at the bottom of the screen labeled "Vic's comfort level."

Vic: So, you wanted to talk. Talk. 

You: I know that things have been a little tense, and I want to clear everything up. I don't want to lose you as a friend. 

Picture 2: Vic looks sad. His comfort level goes up. 

Vic: I know, I, uh, I want to stay friends too. But, we used to be good, and now, I, I don't know. 

You: Come on, how long we been friends? I can tell something's on your mind.

Picture 3: Vic seems less tense. His comfort level goes up. 

Vic: Um, you know, a lot's been on my mind honestly.  So, couple weeks back we had plans to hang out, right? Just you and me. And then, last minute, you tell me that you're "feeling sick." So, whatever, sure. But then I find out that you met up with EJ, and I see pictures of the two of you having a great time, and well, you're clearly not sick. I don't know. I just, I'm trying not to be too harsh, but, so, yeah. 

You: No, for sure, I get it. I did something hurtful to you.

Vic: Yeah. Like, I check my phone and see you hanging with EJ after you cancelled on me, and, how am I supposed to feel, you know? I mean, like, why did you ditch me for EJ?

Vic's comfort level increases. 

You: I get you. Thing is, I like to get home earlier than you. But I should've asked if we could call it earlier. 

Vic: Yeah, that's, that's not what I thought you'd say. So like, you were worried about me keeping you up too late? But, then, because, okay, maybe I do stay out late sometimes, but still, why couldn't you like, talk to me about how you felt, the way we are now? Like, we are friends, right? And you don't talk with me when something's bothering you?

Vic's comfort level goes up. 

You: No, I totally get it. I mean, you're one of my best friends.

Picture 4: Vic seems comforted and relaxes. His comfort level meter fills all the way. 

Vic: I know. You're, I mean, you're one of my best friends too. Which is why I was, I mean, so confused. We haven't really talked about that prank I pulled yet. And, uh, yeah. I feel pretty bad about it. 

You: It's okay. We both feel bad, so how about we try to move on?

Vic: Cool. I'm good with that. I'm, uh, the big thing for me now is like, where do we go from here?

You: What do you think I can do better next time?

Picture 5: Vic looks hopeful. 

Vic: I mean, I want to stay friends too. Maybe, you can try to be more honest with me. And I, I can check in with you about how late you want to hang. So, let's give that a try. Um, trying to be more considerate, or something. 

You: I got you. Can we find another time soon to hang, maybe this weekend?

Vic: This weekend? Let me think. 

Picture 6: Vic smiles and seems excited.

Vic: Um, I should be around this weekend, if you want to meet up? Oh, they're gonna have this new um, Wolf Blade ice cream flavor. I bet it's gonna be killer. So yeah. Let's figure out a day that works.

Coach: One month later, you and Vic hang out a couple times a week and trust each other more to talk about when something bothers you. 

You earned some Conflict Resolution Badges 

Active Listening Badge

You used Active Listening to learn about someone else's perspective. This skill helps others feel more comfortable sharing with you. 

Acknowledgment Badge

You Acknowledged responsibility showing that you can reflect and be vulnerable. 

Forgiveness Badge

You Forgave and Made a Plan showing you're capable of considering someone else's perspective and moving forward.