PIC 0: The titlecard labeled “Recognizing Behaviors of Concern” appears, associated with an icon of two holding hands resembling a heart above. The screen then fades to Priya sitting in a living room background.
PRIYA: It’s great that Cara shared with me that she was worried about her friend Jake. When children look out for each other like that, it helps keep everyone safe.
And it’s important for me to know what’s going on in Cara’s life and the lives of people she spends time with. Forming a strong foundation of trust and open communication gives you insight into your child’s life, experiences, and stressors.
And sometimes your child tells you things that involve their friends or classmates, like what Cara told me about Jake.
I know she didn’t share a lot of information, but with what I did know, I asked myself:
PIC 1: A fullscreen grey background appears with the header “Ask Yourself” associated with an icon of an exclamation mark inside a speech bubble. Each question example is encapsulated in a blue speech bubble.
Ask Yourself:
PIC 2: Priya reappears on screen.
When I thought about Jake, I could see he’d been saying that he wanted to hurt another student and other people were worried about him. I wanted to make sure Cara and her friends weren’t in any danger.
It was clear Jake needed extra support beyond Cara or myself, so as I told Cara, I made a point of sharing what I knew with appropriate school staff.
PIC 3: Next to Priya, the words “Share with School Staff” appears with three silouhette icons arranged in a row.
They reassured me that they would address the situation and thanked me for letting them know. By reporting to the school, I was doing my part to make sure everyone stays safe.
I still struggle sometimes with knowing exactly what to do and say. But what I do know is we all play a vital role in helping create a safe and supportive school environment.
PIC 4: The words change to “Safe & Supportive Environment” with three silouhette icons connected by a circle.