At-Risk in Primary Care: Adolescents


As a primary care practitioner, you may not want to assume responsibility for treating behavioral health issues, but you need to be confident in knowing when and where to refer your patients and their families.

If you have co-located mental or behavioral health specialists, tell the family you’d like to call in one of your colleagues or facilitate an appointment. Otherwise, make sure you have a referral network of trusted locals to call on. You should be proactive in making referrals and following up with these clinicians, creating a collaborative care team to support patients and their families.

Many states have dedicated mental health hotlines for providers. These hotlines can provide information and support, and are also great ways to find local professionals and facilities to build your referral network. You can also call a national crisis hotline, such as the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline (1-800-273-8255), on your own or with patients or parents, to get immediate mental health guidance.

Check the Resources section for a list of state, national, and online resources.

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