At-Risk in Primary Care: Adolescents

Discussing parental support

Good options

Provider: Do your parents know how you feel about all of this?

Justin: Not really... They love it here, and, I don’t know, I don’t want to bring them down.

Provider: Have you tried to talk to them about it?

Justin: Maybe a little when we first moved. But they said this is such a great town, and the school has a really high rating and more classes and I’ll get used to it and blah blah blah. But they don’t know what it’s like to be there, you know.

Provider: Your parents are really happy in this new town, and you’re worried that your feelings might ruin that.

Justin: I mean, we moved here so my mom could start her new job, and it’s, like, exactly what she wants to do. And my dad is happy meeting new people and, I don’t know, just seeing my mom so happy. It’s… this move seems like a great thing for them, and I don’t want to be the big problem.

Bad option

Provider: You really should tell your parents about this. They might be able to help you figure out what to do.

Justin: But I talked to them about the school and the move like months ago, and they didn’t really get it. They think this town is, like, the best place ever.

Provider: Well maybe you could try talking to them again. Being a teenager isn’t easy, and your parents understand more than you think.

Justin: Sure, whatever. I’ll talk to them.

Justin’s inner thought: Why can’t adults ever listen? I already said they didn’t get it, I’m not gonna talk to them again, it’s pointless.

Discussing Suicide

At this point, Justin says:

Justin: (distant) Sometimes I just want to give up on everything. I mean, I’ve got nothing to look forward to, so why even try?

It’s best to respond to suicidal statements like this by asking Justin directly about his ideation and intentions. Asking directly won’t put the idea in his head if it isn’t there already.

Good option

Provider: Are you thinking about killing yourself?

Justin: (momentarily speechless) Um… I guess… I would never actually do it, but sure, sometimes I wish I wasn’t… Yeah, I’ve thought about it. Sometimes I wish I just didn’t have to deal, you know?

Bad option

Provider: When you say you want to “give up on everything,” you’re not talking about suicide, are you?

Justin: Uh… no. No, I’m not crazy.

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