Module 5: Conclusion
KALLIE: Students with supportive educators feel safer at school, skip fewer classes, and earn higher grades than students without supportive educators.
KALLIE: By taking this program today, you’ve taken an important step toward building a better community on campus, not just for LGBTQ students, or those who are perceived as LGBTQ, but for all students.
MATT: Thanks to faculty and staff across the country, things are definitely getting better. Many colleges and universities now have written policies in their syllabi and orientation materials protecting all sexual and gender orientations and expressions, as well as policies for dealing with homophobic or transphobic language.
JAY: Speaking of language, some schools are using forms that don’t just designate check boxes for male or female, but include options for transgender, or other. And a growing number of colleges not only allow name changes on IDs, but also gender marker changes on college records.
KALLIE: Some faculty and staff members are using inclusive language, like the nurse in the student health center who asked me today if I was “seeing someone,” rather than if I had a boyfriend.
JAY: Or my professor who took attendance the first day using last names and asked everyone to state their preferred first name.
MATT: Most campuses have a Gay Straight Alliance, as well as other student clubs where diversity is valued.
JAY: Some colleges even have single occupancy bathrooms and LGBTQ friendly housing options, so someone who’s transgender, for example, won’t have to feel unsupported or unsafe.
KALLIE: Thanks again for your time, and for caring enough to make your campus a more inclusive learning environment for everyone.
National Resources
Campus Pride -
National Center for Transgender Equality -
PFLAG - Parents, Friends and Family of LGBTQ People -
The Trevor Project - 24/7 Crisis Resources for LGBTQ Youth -
Human Rights Campaign's Welcoming Schools -
GLBT Near Me: Local Resources -
Teaching Tolerance -
GLSEN - Gay, Lesbian, Straight Education Network -
TSER - Trans Student Educational Resources -
True Colors Fund - Ending LGBTQ Youth Homelessness -
Certificate of Completion
This concludes the simulation LGBTQ on Campus for Faculty & Staff. Please select the link below to request a certificate of completion.