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Chapter 8: Lifestyle Changes

You probably already know you should exercise more, maybe lose a little weight, drink less, and smoke less. You don’t have to make all these changes at once. You can do it little by little at your own pace.

Alcohol can make your blood sugar go too high or too low. Beer and drinks mixed with juices or sugary soda, like a rum and coke, can make your blood sugar go too high.

It is more dangerous when alcohol makes your blood sugar go too low. You should not drink alcohol unless your blood sugar is in good control. The signs of low blood sugar are like what happens when people drink a lot. They start to slur their speech and they don’t think as clearly. You may think these things are happening because you’re drinking, but it could be because your blood sugar is too low.

Remember when drinking alcohol:

  • Don’t drink too much too quickly, so you can be aware of what’s happening to your body.
  • Alcohol has calories and it’s mostly carbs.
  • Limit your drinking so you don’t exceed the carbs and calories in your meal plan.
  • Try mixing alcohol with water, club soda, or diet soda so it goes farther.
  • Don’t drink on an empty stomach. If you drink, drink with food or snacks.
  • Wear your medical ID, so if your blood sugar goes too low, people will know that you have diabetes and that you’re not just drunk.

Smoking raises your bad cholesterol, raises your blood pressure, and damages your heart and lungs. These are some of the same dangers of uncontrolled diabetes. You may want to quit smoking and make other healthy choices not just for yourself but for the sake of your family.

If you have type two diabetes, losing weight can lower your blood sugar, give you more energy, and make your body use insulin better. If you’re on insulin, your doctors may be able to lower your dose.

Little changes can make a big difference. If you cut out just 350 calories a day, you’ll lose one pound a week. That might just mean drinking a few less sodas everyday.

Exercise has many benefits, especially for diabetics:

  • It improves your body’s use of insulin.
  • It increases your blood circulation.
  • It raises your energy and mood.
  • It lowers your blood pressure.

Every little bit of exercise helps. Even if you’re in pain, there are easy exercises you can do to lower your blood sugar and stay in shape. Here are some small ways to start getting more exercise:

  • Walk more. You can even park your car a block away from your destination to do some more walking.
  • Lift water bottles or light weights while you’re watching TV.
  • Find ways to fit exercise into your normal routine.


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