Now let’s look at the effectiveness of some more reframing examples.
Pic 27: The screen changes to one titled “Identify Reframing.” It includes an example statement and three example responses, and text that reads “A reframe should suggest a new perspective in a way that helps the client move toward change.” The example statement is “I try to get Mary to eat vegetables, but she only wants sweets.”
- It’s hard to get her to eat vegetables.
- This is a reflection that emphasizes sustain talk. Instead, the speaker should suggest a new perspective.
- You think she might like something sweet and healthy, like fruit.
- Correct! This reframe helps the parent see a problem (the child’s love of sweets) as a solution (fruit is healthy and sweet).
- Sweets are like a reward for Mary, and vegetables feel like a punishment.
- This reframes the situation, but not in a way that helps the mom move toward change.
Pic 28: The screen transitions to the next set of examples with the statement being “I hate to exercise, so I feel like a hypocrite telling my kids to do it.”
- You don’t want your dislike of exercise to have a negative effect on the kids.
- This reframes the situation, but not in a way that helps this parent move toward change.
- Sounds like you’d feel better about an activity you would all enjoy.
- Great! This takes something framed as an obstacle (the parent hates to exercise) and reframes it as a possible solution (finding an exercise the whole family will enjoy).
- If you stay with it, you’ll start to enjoy it.
- This isn’t reframing, it’s advice.
Pic 29: The screen transitions to the next set of examples, with the new statement being “I’d hate to force her to exercise more. She loves her video games.”
- You don’t want her to miss out on things she enjoys.
- This does suggest a new perspective, but in a way that argues against
- Maybe she could try one of those exercise games.
- This isn’t reframing, it’s advice.
- You’d like to find an activity she enjoys as much as video games.
- Yes! This restates the parent’s dilemma in a way that encourages brainstorming new solutions, resolving ambivalence, and moving toward change.
Pic 30: The screen transitions to the next set of examples, with this statement being “I don’t know if I have time to cook every day.”
- You’re thinking it would take careful planning.
- Nice! The speaker took a demotivating statement (“I don’t have time”) and echoed it back to the client as a possible solution (“it would take planning”).
- You could probably find a way if you think about it.
- The speaker should be careful! When you take up a position opposingclients, they are likely to argue right back. Instead, a reframe should be phrased as a reflection, as if you’re just restating what you think the client meant.
- Cooking doesn’t feel that important to you.
- This reflection emphasizes sustain talk and is unlikely to help the client change. Even if this statement is true, as health coaches, it’s our job to give change a chance. A reframe should focus on a more motivating perspective.
Pic 31: The screen returns to a close-up of Dr. Schwartz.
Dr. Schwartz: When you hear a lot of sustain talk from families, it often means they are early in the change process, maybe not even considering change. But you can use the skills you just learned to keep the conversation going. Even one small move toward change is a positive step.
Pic 32: The screen changes to a new one which depicts a group of figures, one older man, a young girl, young boy, and young child. The man is gesturing towards the kids with a word bubble above his head that has an image of a flag pole at the top of a mountain inside it.
The key is to help people see they have the strengths, skills, and knowledge to achieve the change they desire. You don’t have to come up with solutions or perfect responses, you are their collaborator, listening, gently guiding, and helping them voice any change talk, planting seeds for future visits.
Pic 33: The screen changes to a new image, one where the three children are climbing up a mountain towards a flag at the top.
The next time you see the family, they may be more receptive to change.