Let’s look at some example questions to check for your understanding of the content.
Question 1. All of the following are examples of medication misuse, except:
Answer: Taking a pill by mouth.
Some common types of misuse include:
Question 2: Kyle asks Kevin, a student prescribed a stimulant for A.D.H.D., for some of his medication before midterms. Kevin might be concerned that Kyle could experience any of the following side effects associated with prescription stimulant use, except:
Answer: Sleepiness. Sleepiness is generally not an associated side effect of prescription stimulants, although all the others are.
Question 3: Jerome has a few opioid painkillers left after a surgery. He offers one to his friend Tyson. Tyson turns down the offer, knowing he could experience any of the following side effects associated with prescription opioid use, except:
The answer is: Increased energy and sleeplessness. Increased energy is generally not an associated side effect of prescription opioids. Drowsiness, risk of dependency, nausea, and constipation are all side effects associated with prescription opioids.
Question 4: Kerry is prescribed a depressant for anxiety. She offers some to Jillian to help her sleep, but Jillian decides to take it to calm her nerves before a party. Using medication you aren’t prescribed is risky for any purpose. The following are risks Jillian might face associated with depressant misuse, except:
The answer is: an increased heart rate and paranoia. They are generally not associated side effects of prescription depressants. Sleepiness, dizziness, confusion, and slowed heart rate and breathing are side effects associated with prescription depressants.