Friend 2 Friend: Resiliency and Growth

Additional Materials and Resources

For Educators and Teens

TED Talks about Resilience

"How Frustration Can Make Us More Creative"
Tim Harford, TED Talk
"Setbacks can knock you down ... or they can jump-start your creativity."

"The Lifetime Stakes of Teen Mental Health"
Roselinde Kaiser, TED Talk
"What is it about the teen years that puts us at risk for depression – but also helps us to build resilience?"

"What Adults Can Learn from Kids"
Adora Svitak, TED Talk

CASEL – Collaborative for Academic, Social and Emotional Learning

Advancing Social and Emotional Learning

Advice from a young TED speaker: Start a TED-Ed Club at your school, TED Blog
At 12 years old Adora Svitak gave a confident TED Talk. In this article she offers some background about that time, and insights about how having an outlet like a TED-ed club at school might help other students like her who have ever written a journal entry that begins with, "I feel sad today."

Ride the Wave of Emotion, Student Affairs, SDSU
An article about Emotion Surfing, a self-care strategy and skill for resilience, from San Diego State University

For Educators

5 Ways to Build Resilience in Students, Edutopia

How to Foster a Growth Mindset in the Classroom, American University


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