TED Talks about Resilience
"How Frustration Can Make Us More Creative"
Tim Harford, TED Talk
"Setbacks can knock you down ... or they can jump-start your creativity."
"The Lifetime Stakes of Teen Mental Health"
Roselinde Kaiser, TED Talk
"What is it about the teen years that puts us at risk for depression – but also helps us to build resilience?"
"What Adults Can Learn from Kids"
Adora Svitak, TED Talk
CASEL – Collaborative for Academic, Social and Emotional Learning
Advancing Social and Emotional Learning
Advice from a young TED speaker: Start a TED-Ed Club at your school, TED Blog
At 12 years old Adora Svitak gave a confident TED Talk. In this article she offers some background about that time, and insights about how having an outlet like a TED-ed club at school might help other students like her who have ever written a journal entry that begins with, "I feel sad today."
Ride the Wave of Emotion, Student Affairs, SDSU
An article about Emotion Surfing, a self-care strategy and skill for resilience, from San Diego State University
5 Ways to Build Resilience in Students, Edutopia
How to Foster a Growth Mindset in the Classroom, American University