Ruby: Mmhmm. Hey, do you remember what we learned in Mister Murphy’s class? About fixed and growth perspective?
Dan: (surprised) Uh, yeah, why?
Ruby: Well, I noticed that you've maybe had a little bit of a fixed mindset about your presentation.
Dan: (sighs) This stuff is really hard Ruby. Like, I know I should have "growth perspective" or whatever, but that's really hard to do in real life.
Ruby: I know. But I think it can really help. And you can always talk to me, or your parents, or our teachers if you need a little help getting that perspective.
Dan: So, like, what do I do now? What happens the next time I have a presentation and, and something goes wrong?
Ruby: (supportive) Sure. Well, how did you prepare for this presentation?
Dan: I wrote out a bunch of note cards but they were all out of order.
Ruby: That would make it pretty hard to stay on track.
Dan: This is going to sound weird but, what if you heckled me?
Ruby raises their eyebrows, surprised.
Dan: Like, I can practice going through my presentation and then you can pretend to be someone laughing, or passing a note, or like, (sighs) I don't know, things that could distract me or mess me up.
Ruby: Oh I get it, like practicing for when things go wrong. That's a smart idea, Danners.
Dan: Thanks. Maybe if I learn to work through or around those moments I'll be more confident going into my next presentation.
Ruby: (teasing) Alright, but just know I'm coming for you. I'm going to be so annoying.
Dan: (laughs) Bring it on, Rubes.
Ruby: So, how are you feeling now?
Dan: Better. I mean, I still don't love what happened but, I'll get through it. And I know how I can do better next time so hopefully it doesn't happen again.
Ruby: I believe in you.
Dan: Do you think we could talk to Miss Mooney and see if she'll let me redo the presentation, or do extra credit or something?
Ruby: Yeah, it can't hurt. I'll go with you, strength in numbers.
Dan: Thanks, Rhubarb.
Ruby: Any time.
Pic 2: The scene changes to a screen with an image of an award badge, with text that reads, "Dan did a great job, and earned some Resiliency and Growth Perspective badges!"
Pic 3: The next screen is titled "Techniques Dan applied" and has an image of an award badge with a check mark inside it. This badge is titled, "Recognize Badge." Text underneath reads, "Dan named his emotions and recognized the impact his self-talk has."
Pic 4: The title remains. This badge has a list inside it, with two check marks and one x mark. This badge is titled, "Reassess Badge." Text underneath reads, "Dan thought about his perspective and how to move from a Fixed Perspective to Growth Perspective."
Pic 5: The title remains. This badge has an image of a looping arrow inside it. The badge is titled, "Retry Badge." The text underneath reads, "Dan looked at the bigger picture to see the positives and negatives as part of a larger process instead of a setback."
Pic 6: The title changes to "Choices Dan made." This badge has a magnifying glass inside it, and is titled "Explore Badge." The text underneath reads, "Dan explored many different options, searching for answers at every turn."