Bullying Prevention

Picture 21: Liz looks annoyed, frowning.

Liz: I like sewing, okay? I didn't realize I needed your approval. What are you doing in here anyway? 

Picture 22: Liz narrows her eyes, suspicious. 

Liz: You didn't come to watch me make a hamster-sized lei. 

You: You're so smart, and I need help figuring out who's framing me as Cashew.

Liz: Oh, well thanks, but, I really don't know how I can help. Plus, I'm kinda busy. I'm going to finish making Melon's outfit. Talk to you later. 

Picture 23: At Miss Henderson's room again. 

Miss Henderson: Hey again. Things going okay?

You: I didn't think Liz was doing anything wrong, but she acted weird when I tried to talk to her. What should I do?

Miss Henderson: I see. So you think Liz is acting guilty because she won't share what she knows with you. Maybe you don't trust Liz, but did you give her a reason to trust you? We usually think we're being nice to people because we know our own minds and know our intentions are good. But maybe we don't always come across that way. Remember how I said a compliment, like "cool shoes," could sound sarcastic even if you really mean it as a compliment?

You: So even though I'm trying to do the right thing here, not everyone trusts me?

Miss Henderson: Yeah, not everyone knows you like I do. It's not their fault. Making an effort to listen and connect can help, but it's not always enough. Try asking curious questions. Some questions sound judgmental even if we don't mean it that way. Explain your interest before you ask so they know your intention is sincere and you're actually curious. 

Also, avoid asking questions that start with "why." Those can be great questions, but they can often sound judgmental. For example, "Why are you doing that?" doesn't sound as friendly as, "That looks interesting. What are you doing?" Good luck, and let me know how it goes!

Picture 24: At the science lab. 

Liz: Oh, hey again. 

Picture 25: Liz looks to the side, annoyed. 

Liz: Still sitting in here and sewing. Hope you're okay with that, since you're the hobby police or whatever. 

You: I wish I could make costumes. That'd be so cool. If you could make Melon other outfits, what would you make?

Picture 26: Liz relaxes and smiles. She looks proud. 

Liz: Oh, um. I already have made some others, actually. I made her a ballet outfit with a tutu and an old timey miner getup, with a little fake pickaxe and everything. I've been planning a sequin flapper dress for a while now, but all those sequins are going to take forever. I think it'd be worth it, though. 

If you're wondering, I've been practicing sewing for a while, and I've always been really into costumes and stuff. I don't have time to make any big projects, so miniature ones are better for practicing techniques. And I might as well make them Melon-sized, if they're going to be small anyway. Plus, it's a nice mental break from school stuff. My mind can't be wandering, otherwise I'll sew three arm holes or something. 

You: It's cool you have a hobby that lets you celebrate the things you love. How did you get into it?

Liz: Oh, that's a really nice way to put it. My aunt and I did it when we lived closer to her, so, I guess I sort of do it to keep in touch with her? And we can keep sharing the things we love, even when we're not in the same place. Thanks for listening to me. I could go on about costumes for a while. Anyway, aren't you trying to find out what's going on with that squirrel? 

Picture 27: Liz looks to the side, considering. 

Liz: I don't know if this helps, but, I got this really weird email from an account called, I think it was mischief-squirrel-2005? They were asking about how to make ammonium sulfide, which is, you know, scientifically speaking, farts on demand. If the imposter's trying to make ammonium sulfide, they're not doing it here in the chem lab, it would stink up the whole school. The only place nearby where they'd have enough privacy to pull something like this off would be the old library! Nobody ever goes there. 

You: Hmm, I'll tell Miss Henderson about this before I head over there. 

Picture 28: Liz smiles, looking excited. 

Liz: I'm almost done, but, what the heck. Maybe we can go there together? Check things out?

Picture 29: You arrive at the old library. There are several shelves of musty books. It is dark outside by now and there are only low lights on. 

Picture 30: Semisi shows up.

Semisi: Hey, I got your text about meeting here. Let's see what all this drama is about. I wanna know who said that stuff!

Picture 31: Avery appears again. They look excited. 

Avery: Thanks for texting me. I can't wait for the big reveal. I've got my camera ready to catch the perpetrator! This scandal could be a whole yearbook page.

Liz: Brace yourself, we don't know what they're planning on doing with that ammonium sulfide. 

Picture 32: Cashew, the squirrel mascot, appears. It has large eyes and is wearing a shirt that says, "Fighting Squirrels" with an acorn icon on it. 

Cashew comes out from behind a bookcase, one hand behind their back. Their voice is barely intelligible through the mascot head.

Cashew: Well, you figured it out, I guess. And you brought company. Come to taunt me with how many friends you have? Is that it? How typical. 

You: Please, keep monologuing. Miss Henderson will be here any minute.

Text on screen: The imposter makes a dash for the door, where they crash into Miss Henderson. 

Miss Henderson: Now, where would you be running to, Cashew? Let's take off the mask, shall we?

Text on screen: As the mask comes off, it reveals Vic, someone you used to be friends with!

Picture 33: Vic is 16 years old and has light skin and short brown hair. He holds the costume head in his hands while looking down, avoiding eye contact. 

Vic: Hey, let's um, let's not do this right now. But sometime soon, we have to talk. 

To be continued!

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