Teacher evaluations tend to be more productive and effective when the meetings have a positive, collaborative tone. When teachers are more at ease, they tend to be more receptive to feedback, so it’s important to set a positive tone right from the start of the meeting. There are several specific things you can do to accomplish this.
Make sure you welcome the teacher and send a clear signal that the feedback meeting is starting.
Set expectations for the meeting. Establish the details of how long the meeting will last and why you are meeting. Make sure to communicate that you will working together, and that the teacher’s input will be valuable in the meeting. In a more general sense, you want to send the message that you are working with the teacher and supporting professional growth rather than just evaluating performance.
Give specific praise. Using specific evidence from your observation, point out an area of strength or improvement. Not only does this establish a positive, supportive tone, but it can also instill a sense of both accomplishment and accountability.
These techniques help communicate that you and the teacher are on the same side.
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