Antoine: Yeah. I will admit I'm a lot less patient since I've been back home. I know myself and, if someone starts shit with me, no offense, but I'm gonna finish that shit. And I don't wanna end up in jail or with my back more messed up than it already is.
Austin: It sounds like you know yourself pretty well and avoid situations that might not be good for you.
Antoine: Yeah, I don't want any trouble.
Austin: Aside from going to work, are you leaving the house at all?
Antoine: Well, I'm here now. I'll go to the grocery store. I go when it's early when there's not a lot of people there, like in the morning. That way I don't have to deal with people being stupid.
Austin: We've talked a lot about your back pain, sleep issues, and drinking patterns,
So let's talk now about your treatment options and what we can do to help you feel better.
Antoine: Okay.
Pic 1: The screen transitions to Dr. Eber sitting at the table. Next to her is a text box that reads “Nice Job!” with the list “Uncover stressors” and “Under five minutes” each with a check beside it.
Dr. Eber: Nice job! You were able to uncover some stressors in Antoine's life that might be contributing to his physical concerns, or at least diminishing his quality of life. And you accomplished this in under five minutes, not counting time you spent making menu selections.
Pic 2: The screen fades to a slide with the title “Warning Signs” with a caution symbol next to it and an image of Antoine. Underneath is the following list:
You learned that Antoine is a veteran, suffers from nightmares, and has trouble sleeping. Antoine's insistence on receiving a new prescription for Percocet alerted you to consider substance misuse. His alcohol consumption, typically one or two six packs of beer five times a week, is placing him at risk for harm and could indicate alcohol use disorder if he's experiencing negative consequences as a result.
Pic 3: The screen changes to an image of Antoine and Austin in conversation with a banner that reads “Trouble concentrating” with a caution symbol next to it.
At times, he had trouble concentrating during the conversation.
Pic 4: The banner is replaced with a new one that reads “Avoidance of social activities” with a caution symbol next to it.
Antoine revealed that he's been avoiding large groups of people and prefers spending time alone at home.
Pic 5: The banner is replaced with a new one that reads “Frequent arguments” with a caution symbol next to it.
He's also told you that he's been fighting with his family, and he expressed some guilt about this.
Pic 6: The banner is replaced with a new one that reads “Irritability/angry outbursts” with a caution symbol.
And, Antoine seemed irritable at times during your conversation.
Pic 7: The screen returns to Dr. Eber in the office.
Now that we've identified some warning signs, let's discuss the next steps for Antoine.