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Every military family has their own story. Many veterans don't have significant signs of post-deployment stress. The scenarios we've discussed don't represent all families, but they do cover challenges we hear a lot about from the veterans and family members we work with. I hope you've learned some techniques that will help you and your loved one through your transition to post-deployment life.

I also hope this won't be the end of your search for information.

I'm giving you three links that I encourage you to use. "Connect with the V.A." will lead you to contact information for V.A. facilities and veterans' groups in your area. "Find Helpful Links" will take you to a list of helpful websites, where you can learn more about the topics we've discussed. And, finally, "Leave Feedback" will allow you to share your opinions on this course and help us improve it for future military families.

On behalf of all of us at the V.A., thank you for supporting our service men and women. Together, we will make a difference in the lives of our veterans.

Click here to connect with the V.A. in your area.

Click here to find helpful links.

Click here to leave feedback.

Thank you for taking our course. Please click the link below to request a certificate of completion.

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