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Sometimes managing all of these changes along with a low-sodium diet, weighing yourself, and taking medications can feel overwhelming. It’s common to feel sad, depressed, like you’ve lost control, or even frustrated and angry. If you notice that you’re feeling down or isolated, or you’re staying inside a lot and not participating in hobbies and activities that you normally enjoy, you may be exhibiting signs of depression.

You should seek help and talk to someone close to you who knows you well, like your doctor, a good friend, or a family member. You should ask to be referred to a mental health provider, or you can go to a mental health clinic. These services are available through the VA. If you are feeling so bad that you want to hurt yourself, the VA has a toll free number for someone to talk to who can help in an emotional crisis. That number is 1-800-273-TALK (8255).

Once you get help, it will be less overwhelming to manage your CHF, and the lifestyle changes you need to make will get easier with time. As long as you’re in control and taking an active part in your own care, you’ll be moving in the right direction!

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