And it's not just liquor. Filling that same red cup to the top with wine is like 3 to 4 drinks.
Or even beer, one cup is about a drink and a third, which adds up when you’re having a few.
PIC 13: Screen centers on Kacey with no more red solo cup image.
I’ve definitely had some nights where I’ve had more to drink than I meant to, or than I thought I did.
Since then, I’ve developed some tips that work for me and my friends to help us know how much we’re drinking.
PIC 14: A full screen list appears labeled: “Strategies to Reduce Your Risk”
PIC 15: Next to the list are the images of a bottle and two pills with a red X crossing them out. The list updates to: “DO NOT:”
PIC 16: Screen returns to Kacey.
Drinking and smoking marijuana at the same time, aka getting “crossed” or “cross faded” may not end well.
For that matter, using any substances, even legal ones like medication, while drinking, can intensify their effects and be really dangerous.
And don’t even get me started on those sneaky pregame shots. I blame them for almost sleeping through my midterm. Yeah, not good.
When I pregame I drink just as much at the party as I would’ve otherwise.
It's not like my friends are pressuring me into drinking, they’re just drinking, and that makes me want to drink too. Most friends, the good ones, at least, won’t stop hanging out with you just because you say no to a drink.
And keep in mind, if you’re going out for five hours, you can't just have five drinks in a row and expect them to be released into your bloodstream at the rate of one per hour.
So one thing I’ve found that makes it easier to stick in that green zone, is to just have a beer.
I’ve been known to bring soda with me so that I always have something in hand. I don’t even like shots, so I don’t need to be slamming those things.
And hey if you don't wanna drink at all, don't drink! It's not a requirement for having a good time. Plenty of people won’t be drinking much anyway.
PIC 17: A fullscreen image appears with a glass of wine and a bottle of beer being held together, a yellow exclamatory spark can be seen behind. A list populates with the header: “Pre gaming actually results in a higher likelihood of:”
PIC 18: Screen returns to Kacey.
Whether at the pregame or at the party, one thing is for sure, I’m a really competitive person and I love playing games.
When someone challenges me to a drinking game like beer pong, I’m totally down.
But taking a ball that’s been on the floor, throwing it into a cup, and then drinking that beer, ugh gross.
No wonder everyone is filling those cups with water and NOT drinking it.
Plus winning is the exact same amount of fun without beer. My drinking doesn’t have to be a part of the game.
And in general, when you play games with alcohol, it's really easy to lose track of how much you’re drinking, or to drink really quickly.
And just like with beer pong, you can easily sub in water no matter what game you’re playing.
What difference does it make to me? I just want to win.
Now you’re going to get a chance to play a conversation as Emma.
PIC 19: A full screen image appears with three thumbnails of college students: Emma, Charlie, and Kevin.
Emma is heading out for the night with her friends Charlie and Kevin.
As Emma, you’ll get to set limits for yourself and try to stick to them at a pregame and at a party.
PIC 20: Screen returns to Kacey.
Remember, the point is to have fun without going overboard.
Scenario: Going out to a party
You, playing as Emma, are heading out for the night with your friends Charlie and Kevin. While out, you want to have fun while also reducing your risk from alcohol.
You’ll set limits for yourself and try to stick to them at a pregame and at a party.