SBI with Adolescents

Guide to a Brief Intervention on Alcohol Use

Patient File

Name: Joshua Nelson

Age: 15

Reason for visit
Josh was admitted to the hospital last night after jumping off a roof into a hot tub at a party. His ankle has been treated, and you have an opportunity now to discuss his substance use screening results.

Substance Use Screen
Alcohol: Weekly (High Risk)
Marijuana: Never
Other: Never

Mental Health Screen
No risk for depression



Screening Question

Josh's screening results indicate a weekly (high-risk) use of alcohol. What should you do?

  1. Continue his appointment without addressing the screening.
  2. Positively reinforce his decision to not drink too much.
  3. Explain that you have to tell his parents about his alcohol use.
  4. Engage him in a conversation about substance use and a plan for behavior change.

The correct answer is D. for teens in this category you will provide a brief intervention.


PROVIDER: Hi, Josh, how are you feeling?

JOSH: Well, I've been better.

PROVIDER: I'm sorry to hear that. Mind chatting while you wait for your X-rays?

JOSH: (jokingly) I don't know. I'm pretty slammed today.

PROVIDER: (chuckles) So yes, you can talk?

JOSH: (sighs) Yeah, sure.

COACH: In a brief intervention, your first goal is to build rapport with your patient or client.

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