Ruby: Mmhmm. Hey, do you remember what we learned in Mister Murphy’s class? About fixed and growth perspective?
Dan: (surprised) Uh, yeah, why?
Ruby: Well, I noticed that you've maybe had a little bit of a fixed mindset about your presentation.
Dan: (sighs) This stuff is really hard Ruby. Like, I know I should have "growth perspective" or whatever, but that's really hard to do in real life.
Ruby: I know. But I think it can really help. And you can always talk to me, or your parents, or our teachers if you need a little help getting that perspective.
Dan: So, like, what do I do now? What happens the next time I have a presentation, and, and something goes wrong?
Ruby: (supportive) Sure. Well, how did you prepare for this presentation?
Dan: I wrote out a bunch of note cards but they were all out of order.
Ruby: That would make it pretty hard to stay on track.
Dan decides to Talk it Through and says, "I guess I could number my note cards so even if they get mixed up I can still find the one I need."
Ruby: That makes sense.
Dan: Yeah. But my bad handwriting makes it hard to read my notes. I don't know what to do about that.
Ruby: Well, what if you print out the cards instead? No messy handwriting.
Dan: That's a great idea, Ruby!
Ruby: So, how are you feeling now?
Dan: Better. I mean, I still don't love what happened but, I'll get through it. And I know how I can do better next time so hopefully it doesn't happen again.
Ruby: I believe in you.
Dan: Do you think we could talk to Miss Mooney and see if she’ll let me redo the presentation, or do extra credit or something?
Ruby: Yeah, it can't hurt. I'll go with you, strength in numbers.
Dan: Thanks, Rhubarb.
Ruby: Any time.
Pic 2: The scene changes to a screen with an image of an award badge, with text that reads, "Dan did a great job, and earned some Resiliency and Growth Perspective badges!"
Pic 3: The next screen is titled "Techniques Dan applied" and has an image of an award badge with a check mark inside it. This badge is titled, "Recognize Badge." Text underneath reads, "Dan named his emotions and recognized the impact his self-talk has."
Pic 4: The title remains. This badge has a list inside it, with two check marks and one x mark. This badge is titled, "Reassess Badge." Text underneath reads, "Dan thought about his perspective and how to move from a Fixed Perspective to Growth Perspective."
Pic 5: The title remains. This badge has an image of a looping arrow inside it. The badge is titled, "Retry Badge." The text underneath reads, "Dan looked at the bigger picture to see the positives and negatives as part of a larger process instead of a setback."
Pic 6: The title changes to "Choices Dan made." This badge has arrows going to the left, the right, and the center, and the center arrow is highlighted. The badge is titled, "Direct Badge." The text underneath reads, "Dan took a direct route to problem solve for his situation."