SBI with Adolescents

Validated Questions

Here's a few examples to see the difference in how a teen responds to exact screening language, versus one you might phrase yourself.

Screen for Alcohol Use

Your Own Question

Provider: "Have you had alcohol in the past year?"

Teenager: Yeah, sure, I've had a few beers.

Teen's Thought Bubble: I drink at parties almost every weekend now. It's been such a good time!

Your Own Question

Provider: "You don't drink, do you?"

Teenager: "Um no."

Teen's Thought Bubble: Like I'd tell YOU. Sounds like you'd freak if I told you the truth.

The Tool's Question

Provider: "In the past year, on how many days have you had more than a few sips of beer, wine, or any drink containing alcohol?"

Teenager: Um, I guess, like... almost 50? Only like once a week.

Teen's Thought Bubble: I drink at parties on the weekend. I guess that's like four times a month, times 12 months a year oh man, yeah, 48...

Screen for Marijuana Use

Your Own Question

Provider: "Do you smoke marijuana?"

Teenager: Sometimes.

Teen's Thought Bubble: Maybe I can downplay this. I don't want to get in trouble.

Your Own Question

Provider: "In the past year, how many times have you gotten high?

Teenager: Maybe about seven or eight times.

Teen's Thought Bubble: I don't really get "high." Mostly I just mellow out when I smoke.

The Tool's Question

Provider: "In the past year, how many times have you used marijuana: never, once or twice, monthly, or weekly or more?"

Teenager: Weekly or more.

Teen's Thought Bubble: I don't smoke every week but some weeks I smoke twice, so I think yeah, it's weekly or more.

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