SBI with Adolescents

Step 6: Summarize and Thank

PROVIDER: Let me just go over the plan we've worked out. You've decided you're going to quit smoking marijuana. You'll tell your friends about how smoking is making things even more stressful at home between you and your mom, and you think they'll respect that. You can check out some art extracurriculars so you have another way to spend less time at home, where things feel so stressful. I'll put you in touch with a counselor who can talk to you in more depth about managing your stress and quitting pot. We're going to let your mom know about that together, and we think she'll be supportive. How does all that sound?
EMILY: Uh, sounds good!

Wrap Up
PROVIDER: So, I'll email your mom to set up that conversation with the two of us; and after that I'll reach out to a counselor and have them be in touch with you. I'll let you know when to expect a call from them.
EMILY: Okay. Cool.

Schedule Check-In
PROVIDER: I'd love to check in with you myself after you see the counselor to hear how that felt and how things are going. Would that be okay?
EMILY: (joking) Hey, if I can miss class again, you can talk to me as much as you want.

PROVIDER: Hey, thank you so much for your honesty in talking through all this with me. This is tough stuff, and it takes a lot of strength to have this conversation. You've got a solid plan, and you can make these changes.
EMILY: Cool.

End Visit
PROVIDER: I should let you get back to class.
EMILY: (melodramatically) If you must
PROVIDER: (laughs) Thanks for having this conversation with me.
EMILY: Hey, I mean thank you.

COACH: For more information about how to conduct a referral with an adolescent, you can visit the Resources section.

SBI for Adolescents: Resources

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