Referral Process: District of Columbia

Additional Resources and Legal Information

If you suspect a child might be abused or neglected, by law you must report your suspicions to the Child and Family Services Agency by calling their 24 hour hotline at (202) 671-SAFE.

PIC 35: The header shows two words, “Abuse” and “Neglection” on the top, with an icon of a seated child looking down in red.

District of Columbia Law identifies several professions as mandated reporters, including:

PIC 36: The header “Mandated Reporters” appears on the top along with three people icons in red. The mentioned list is shown right below.

Visit for more information on how to recognize signs of abuse and how to make a report. You can find this link in your resources section.

Your resources also include links to many organizations that can help children and their families get food, clothing, substance use disorder treatment, and other kinds of support. 

PIC 37: The header “Resources” appears on top along with two book icons in blue. A more detailed list generates below:

For help contacting or obtaining services, contact the Department of Behavioral Health Access Help Line at 1 (888) 7WE-HELP. (888-793-4357)

You can now access your certificate in the menu. You can come back to this training at any time to review the information or re access your certificate.

PIC 39: An icon of a gold award medal appears at the center, along with the text “Certificate of Completion.”

Thanks for taking time to learn about behavioral health resources throughout the District and for doing your part to help students in distress.

PIC 40: The Behavioral Health Resources District of Columbia logo appears at the center.