Welcome to the simulation titled Alcohol and Other Drugs. This is a transcript of the simulation designed for screenreaders.
This virtual simulation was designed to help build skills to be a proactive bystander, set goals around substance use, and look out for one another.
PIC 0: The titlecard with the words “Introduction” is displayed. The screen fades to Kacey, a college student, appearing in an abstract background.
KACEY: Hi, I’m Kacey.
I had this impression that the only way I would make friends or have any fun in college was if I partied. I mean, let’s be serious, every movie and every tv show I’ve ever seen showed college as one long party with the occasional love interest thrown in for good measure.
So I was honestly surprised to hear it's not as common as that.
PIC 1: The screen fades to a graphic of a wine glass and bottle appears on the left. On the right side, the following text is displayed: “Over half of students reported having only 1 to 2 drinks the last time they partied.”
PIC 2: Screen fades back to Kacey.
'Cause here’s the thing. I love going out, hanging out with friends, meeting new people. And don’t get me wrong, I've gone overboard before, I just don’t really like it.
I like to have a drink or two, but I also like to remember what happens and stay in control of myself.
Plus, there's always another event to go to the next day, and then one after that. I mean this is college, after all. I don’t want to miss out because I got too drunk the night before. So I try to stick with my limits.
For me, it’s about finding my balance, and sticking with what makes me happy. We've all got our own reasons for not wanting to party too hard, or not drinking at all.
So today we’re gonna talk about how those reasons can help you set your own personal goals and limits, how you can help out someone who might be going overboard, and what to do if you need to talk to a friend about their drinking or drug use.